Fire Safety Engineering : Design of Structures

Fire Safety Engineering ~ Design of Structures – 2nd Edition
by John A. Purkiss BSc (Eng),PhD
Consultant, Formerly Lecturer, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Aston University, UK

The book covers everything from design concerns and philosophies, regulatory control, the behaviour characteristics of natural fires through to the properties of different materials at elevated temperatures.

Focusing on the fire sections of the Structural Eurocodes, the book provides detailed design advice on each of the main structural elements such as concrete, steel, composite steel-concrete, timber, and masonry, aluminium, plastics and glass.

Copyright©2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

PDF Format – 242 pages

Chapter1: Fire safety engineering
Chapter2: Design philosophies
Chapter3: Prescriptive approach
Chapter4: Behaviour of natural fires
Chapter5: Properties of materials at elevated temperatures
Chapter6: Calculation approach
Chapter7: Design of concrete elements
Chapter8: Design of steel elements
Chapter9: Composite construction
Chapter10: Design of timber elements
Chapter11: Masonry, aluminium, plastics and glass
Chapter12: Frames
Chapter13: Assessment and repair of fire-damaged structures
Chapter14: Postscript


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